Effect of Dietary Carotenoids and Lutein on Eye Health Maintenance in Elderly People

Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine Research DOI: 10.32629/jcmr.v5i2.2302

Yongshuai Zhang1, Ying Li2

1. Xinjiang Applied Vocational and Technical College, Kuitun, Xinjiang, China
2. Xuzhou Medical University Affiliated Xuzhou Municipal Hospital, Xuzhou 221006, Jiangsu, China


This study aimed to explore the maintenance effect of dietary carotenoids and lutein on the eye health of elderly people. By analyzing the types and characteristics of carotenoids, as well as the characteristics of lutein and its interaction with carotenoids, we have studied their mechanism of action in eye health. Further, we discussed in detail the specific effects of dietary carotenoids and lutein on the eye health of older people, including the prevention of macular degeneration and other senile eye diseases, the improvement of vision, and the impact on light sensitivity. In order to help the elderly effectively take in these nutrients, we provide suggestions on the selection and use of foods containing carotenoids and lutein, as well as suggestions and precautions for dietary plans. Finally, through a case study, we show the positive impact of adopting good diet and supplement strategies on eye health in a real case.


the elderly; eye health; carotenoids; lutein


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Copyright © 2024 Yongshuai Zhang, Ying Li

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