Seismic Vulnerability of the Prefabricated Soviet Great Panel System in Deteriorated and Transformed Buildings

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v6i2.2596

Yamila C. Socarrás, Eduardo R. Álvarez

Faculty of Construction, Universidad de Oriente


The prefabricated Soviet great panel system has shown good earthquake resistance performance in several countries where it has been implemented. However, there are uncertainties with the buildings built in the city of Santiago de Cuba, the area of greatest seismic danger in the country. Due to the fact that the design codes of the emergence time of the prefabricated system have already been repealed, together with the pathological damages and structural transformations carried out by the inhabitants. Therefore, a structural verification is required, through the checking of global control parameters, the eccentricities of the centers of mass with respect to the centers of stiffness, displacements and drifts of the floors, torsional stiffness, the P-Δ effects, among other aspects. Building U-142-143 is chosen for this analysis, mainly because it has critical operating conditions. It is concluded that, although the prefabricated system does not comply with all the current requirements of earthquake resistant design and present significant irregularities in plan and elevation, the building analyzed according to the formulations in the codes used, can retain rigidity in the face of seismic action. A comparison between the building according to the original project and the current variant corroborates that the greatest changes are observed in the fundamental periods. Consequently, there are variations in drift, displacement and stiffness.


structural verification; precast system; irregularities; stiffness; displacement; drifts; eccentricities


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