Reinforcement of Concrete Structures with High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (HPFRC)

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v6i2.2547

Frediani Matías, Almenar Martín, Luccioni Bibiana

Institute of Structures, School of Exact Sciences and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


The incorporation of high quality fibers into very high strength concrete matrices leads to materials that are especially suitable to withstand extreme loads. For this reason, these materials are adequate for reinforcement and durability improvement of buildings and infrastructure constructions. The general objective of this work is to numerically study the flexural behavior of concrete structural elements reinforced with HPFRC. This general goal includes the analysis of the effect of the different variables, including the content and type of fibers, as well as the thickness of the reinforcement. The results of this analysis can contribute to improving the efficiency of the intervention techniques. For this purpose, numerical models are calibrated to reproduce the behavior observed in experimental tests carried out on HPFRC elements. Then the models are used to reproduce reinforced concrete beams reinforced with HPFRC under flexural loading. Finally, the effect of the aforementioned design variables on the behavior of reinforced beams is studied using the calibrated models. The results show the efficiency of the intervention increases with the fiber content and thickness of the reinforcement layer. However, the definition of the optimal design should also consider other criteria, such as constructional limitations and cost analysis.


HPFRC; reinforcement; concrete beams; numerical models


The authors of this work are grateful to: Asociación Cooperadora Facet-UNT and Project PICT-2017-1313.


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Copyright © 2024 Frediani Matías, Almenar Martín, Luccioni Bibiana

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