Technical Evaluation of Block Masonry with Pozzolanic Additions

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v6i2.2406

Walter Roldán1, Julio Soto2

1. Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte
2. Liemun Laboratory, Universidad Católica del Norte


Tests are carried out on various specimens of concrete block masonry, replacing Portland cement with pozzolans available in the region of Antofagasta, Chile (fly ash, volcanic ash and desert dust). To characterize the strength of the masonry, individual blocks, prisms and small walls, made of concrete with different binder combinations cement-pozzolan are tested; the obtained resistances are compared with standard mixture (100% cement). The results indicate that it is feasible to replace a percentage of Portland cement with pozzolans, obtaining very similar resistance, contributing to the reduction of construction costs and also, contributing to the environment by reducing cement demand and thereby reducing emissions of greenhouse gases that are generated in the calcination of the raw material. It is also pretension to enhance the importance of the masonry of concrete blocks in the construction of low-cost housing (economic and ecological).


masonry; concrete blocks; pozzolanic cement; green construction


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