Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements with Steel Fibers

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v6i2.2342

Díaz Fondevila Alejandra, Almenar Martín

Institute of Structures, National University of Tucumán


Experimental research shows that the addition of ductile fibers improves the tensile strength, ductility and concrete's energy absorption capacity. As a consequence of the improvement of the post-cracking behavior, the addition of dispersed ductile fibers can increase the ductility, the shear resistance and the toughness of reinforced concrete beams, changing the type of failure from brittle to ductile. Many studies have considered the possibility of using steel fibers to partially resist shear and thus decrease shear reinforcement. This concept has even been adopted by some design codes such as ACI-318 or the Fib Model Code 2010 and has great potential for application in critical points of reinforced concrete structures where it is difficult to arrange shear reinforcement, such as beam - column joints. Despite this, fiber-reinforced concrete is still rarely used in load - bearing elements. In this work, it is proposed to numerically study the behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete beams tested at shear by other researchers in order to evaluate the contribution of steel fibers to the mechanism of resistance to shear.


fiber-reinforced concrete; steel fibers; shear design


The authors of the paper thank: the Council of Researchers of the UNT, CONICET, the National Agency for the Promotion of Research and the Research Project PICT 2017-1313.


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