Optimal Load Factors for Seismic Design of Buildings

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v6i1.2159

Juan Bojórquez Mora1, Sonia E. Ruiz Gómez2

1. School of Engineering, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Calzada de las Américas and Boulevard Universitarios S/N, University City, Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico.
2. Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Coyoacán, Mexico.


This paper reviews the load combinations for the design of buildings established in the Federal District Building Regulations (RCDF-2004) and its Complementary Technical Standards (NTC-2004). New load factors are proposed to be specified in the next version of the RCDF. The combination of gravity load (dead load plus live load) and the combination of earthquake load (dead load, live load and earthquake load) are revised. A methodology is proposed to establish optimal load factors and combinations that guarantee the minimum expected total cost during the lifetime of the structure and that the probability of failure is at least equal to that implied in the RCDF-2004. Artificial Neural Networks are used to estimate structural reliability.


load combination; failure probability; total expected cost; seismic design; artificial neural networks


This work was part of the CONACYT Basic Science Project 287103 entitled New Formulation to Obtain Optimal Load Factors for Seismic Design of Buildings.


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