Service Life Design of Reinforced Concrete Maritime Infrastructure: Holistic Approach with Experiences from Chilean Cases

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v6i1.2116

Luis Ebensperger

Construtechnik SpA, Santiago, Chile.


The consideration of the useful life of reinforced concrete in the different stages of a structure's life cycle, as a distinguishing factor in the design process for performance under aggressive environmental conditions, has presented new challenges in construction. This includes the development of new regulations incorporating innovative engineering materials, performance tests and modeling processes to estimate concrete deterioration over time, and construction processes ensuring adequate Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QAQC). As a result, infrastructure projects have been able to exceed their intended lifespan, maintaining serviceability levels for more than 100 years. One such example is the Chacao Bridge project currently under construction in southern Chile. This paper provides an overview of project stages from a holistic approach, focusing on aspects inherent to planning including design and construction processes, control stages for monitoring deterioration levels through regular diagnostics and appropriate monitoring to support ongoing structural health management. Additionally, it presents real case design examples carried out with specific models created for each case.


concrete; durability; service life design; holistic approach


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