Study Material on Construction Quality for the Civil Engineering Career

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v5i1.1157

Yasel Valdes Alonso, Tania García García, Ebir González Cruz

Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, Cuba


The objective of the work was to design a study material that would favor the learning process of the quality management system in construction in civil engineering, when verifying bibliographic insufficiencies that would facilitate it. Investigative methods of theoretical and empirical level were used that established premises for the elaboration of the same and that propitiated the necessary technical knowledge on the subject. The material was submitted to the criteria of specialists, who considered its elaboration very necessary and evaluated its structure and content as very adequate, responding to the determination of needs for which it was made.


quality; learning; study material; civil engineering


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Copyright © 2023 Yasel Valdes Alonso, Tania García García, Ebir González Cruz

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