The Georadar in the Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures Affected by Corrosion

Journal: Journal of Building Technology DOI: 10.32629/jbt.v5i1.1127

Javier Ballote Álvarez, Ernesto A. Hernández Martín, Orlando R. Carraz Hernández

Technological University of Havana Jose Antonio Echeverria (Cujae), Cuba


Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that has several applications in the field of civil engineering, one of the largest fields being the evaluation of the technical state of the affected reinforced concrete structures by corrosion. In Cuba, this method has not been widely used as a non destructive test (NDT), largely due to the lack of knowledge of its potential in civil engineering. This article performs a critical analysis of some investigations in which the georadar is applied to evaluate the technical state of tunnels, bridges and buildings. The regulatory framework that protects the use of the georadar as NDT in the world and the applications that it has had so far in Cuba are addressed. The electromagnetic responses of the method to various injuries and causes that cause damage to reinforced concrete such as fractures, cavities, areas of humidity, chloride penetration and corrosion itself are also presented.


GPR; concrete; corrosion


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Copyright © 2023 Javier Ballote Álvarez, Ernesto A. Hernández Martín, Orlando R. Carraz Hernández

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