Journal: Educational Research DOI: 10.32629/er.v3i6.2829
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[3] 马惠霞,薛杨,刘静.中学生学业羞愧:测量、生理唤醒及其与学业成绩的关系[J].心理学报,2016,48(05):529-539.
[4] 张锋,张焕,安梦斐,等.中学生的未来时间洞察力、时间管理自我监控和学业成绩的关系[J].心理科学,2016,39(04):900-906.
[5] Fan X, Chen M. Parental involvement and students' academic achievement:
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[10] 刘霞,黄希庭,毕翠华.青少年未来取向问卷的编制[J].西南大学学报(社会科学版),2011,37(6):7-12.
[11] 李爱梅,彭元,熊冠星.孕妇更长计远虑?——怀孕对女性跨期决策偏好的影响[J].心理学报,2015,47(11):1360-1370.
[12] Barber L K, Munz D C, Bagsby P G, et al. When does time perspective matter? Self-control as a moderator between time perspective and academic achievement[J]. Personality & Individual Differences, 2009,46(2):250-253.
[13] Gang D, Lv H, Psychology F O, et al. The relationship of adolescents' future time perspective and academic achievement: The mediation effect of time management disposition[J].Journal of Psychological Science,2017,40(1):96-102.
[14] Zhang L,Zhang X. A study of the relationships among learning strategy use, self-efficacy, persistence and academic achievement in middle school students[J]. 2003,26(4):603-607.
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