National Trend Elements Based on Young Consumers Are Reflected in Sports Brand Product Design

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i5.2941

Weikang Zhao, Mustaffa Halabi Azahari

City Graduate School, Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI), City University Malaysia, Petaling Jaya 46100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


This article explores the impact of visual elements used by Chinese sports brands on the shopping behavior of young consumer groups. As Chinese sports brands gain international recognition and market share, it is critical to understand the role that visual elements such as logos, colors and branding play in shaping consumer preferences and behavior. This study combines insights from marketing, psychology and consumer behavior to provide a comprehensive analysis of how these visual elements influence young consumers’ choices and loyalty to Chinese sports brands. By delving into this topic, we aim to provide valuable insights to marketers and researchers in the field of sports brand management.


brand; Chinese sport brand, visual elements, young consumer groups


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