A Case Study on the Application of Information Technology in Rural Music Education

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i3.2448

Qingzi Xu

Guangdong Dance and Drama College, Guangzhou 510075, Guangdong, China


In recent years, the application of information technology in the field of education has received considerable attention, especially in music education, where its potential is increasingly evident. This study explores the application of information technology in rural music education through a case study of a volunteer teacher teaching music in a rural school in China. Using qualitative research methods, including classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with the teacher and students, the study analyzes the practical application of information technology in music education. The results show that by integrating multidisciplinary teaching methods and using interactive games and information technology, rural students not only developed a strong interest in learning music but also improved their singing skills and emotional expression abilities. These methods enabled students to better grasp musical knowledge. This study provides valuable insights for educators and demonstrates the significant potential of information technology in rural music education in China. The research indicates that even in resource-limited rural areas, the successful application of information technology in music classes is feasible. As information technology continues to develop, educators should continue to explore and innovate, providing students with richer and more effective educational resources to enhance educational quality and promote the comprehensive development of students.


music education, information technology, rural music teaching, aesthetic education assistance


Guangdong Philosophy and Social Science Foundation 2022 “The 14th Five-Year Plan" project (Project Number: GD22XYS19)


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