Production Pathways of Television Programs Based on New Media Technology

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i3.2447

Xiaoyi Han

China-Korea Institute of New Media, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei, China


In the context of the new media era, new media technology has become a key technology in the production of television programs. This technology transforms traditional television production methods and channels, making television programs more impactful, with superior picture quality, thereby truly achieving innovation in program production and increasing their attractiveness. This paper analyzes and studies the production pathways of television programs using new media technology. It first examines the advantages of new media technology in television program production and then explores its specific application pathways in television program production through a case study of a particular program. Additionally, it provides a forecast for the development of new media and television program production technology, aiming to promote the development of television program production.


new media technology; television programs; production


2024 College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program project "Research on Creative Communication Practice of Digital Media Empowering Jingchu Culture - Taking Han Embroidery Culture as an Example" (Project No.: 202410520053)


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