Trends and Prospects of the Fashion Production Industry

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i2.2262

Xi Liang

Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah 31402, America


The fashion production industry has emerged as an important component alongside the flourishing fashion industry, encompassing multiple professional fields. It satisfies people's pursuit of beauty by creating visually appealing artworks while conveying cultural values and the spirit of the times. In recent years, the rise of fashion studios has provided crucial support for developing the fashion production industry. These studios typically engage in various creative planning, fashion design, photography, videography, editing, and distribution activities, requiring a large number of highly skilled producers. These studios inject, injecting new vitality and momentum into the development of the fashion production industry. This article will focus on the development trends of the fashion production industry, with a special emphasis on the case of "White Elephant Studio". The article will point out the challenges, opportunities, and prospects it faces, and provide advice and reference for relevant practitioners.


fashion production industry, development trend, "White Elephant Studio", fierce competition, cost pressure, development prospects, and background


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