Research and Analysis of Outdoor Clothing Brands under the Concept of Sustainability

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i2.2261

Manni Xu, Yan Zhang, Yiping Qiu

Quanzhou Normal College, Quanzhou 362046, Fujian, China


With the popularity of the concept of environmental protection and the increasing popularity of outdoor sports, outdoor clothing design based on sustainable development has become the focus of the industry. The purpose of this study is to explore the application and impact of sustainable concept in outdoor clothing brands. Through the case analysis of well-known outdoor clothing brands at home and abroad, how these brands reflect the concept of sustainability in product material selection, production process, packaging design and other aspects. It also points out the problems existing in the sustainable development of outdoor brands at home and abroad and analyzes the reasons, puts forward sustainable development strategies, uses scientific and technological means to promote green design, and realizes the green value chain. The results show that the application of sustainable concept in outdoor clothing brands can help enhance brand image, enhance market competitiveness, and meet the trends and challenges of sustainable development industry.


sustainable development, outdoor clothing, sustainability, environmental protection material


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Copyright © 2024 Manni Xu, Yan Zhang, Yiping Qiu

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