Research on the Digital Protection and Inheritance of Nanjing Goldleaf Forging Technology

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i2.2201

Yanzhi Song

Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, China


Research Approach on the Digitization, Integration, and Visualization of Information Based on the Nanjing Gold Beating Craftsmanship — Key Technology Exploration for the Informatization Presentation. This essay explores the historical significance, technological intricacies, and digital preservation strategies surrounding Nanjing Goldleaf forging craft, a cherished tradition in China with a lineage spanning over 1,700 years. Amidst modernization, efforts to digitize this ancient craft are essential for its enduring legacy. Through the convergence of tradition and digital innovation, Nanjing Goldleaf stands poised to enrich China's cultural heritage, emphasizing the importance of preserving intangible traditions in the digital age.


Nanjing goldleaf, digital protection, intangible cultural heritage


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