A Brief Analysis of Mozart Violin Sonata No.17 K.329

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i2.2197

Fong Fong Fiona, Tao Li

Midwest University, Missouri, USA


Mozart and Beethoven have achieved an important milestone in the history of western music; the two masters' works by later generations are defined as the model of classical music period; most of their works are celebrated by future generations; Mozart's opera, symphony, piano, ensemble are a contemporary palace concert hits. Mozart's violin concerto is a series of works that must be mastered by today's violinists in the process of learning, and it is also a set of pieces that must be played in today's major international music competitions. As a professional violinist, it is very important to show Mozart's ingenious music route completely in the performance. Mozart's violin sonatas are not as well known as his violin concertos. Many of his violin sonatas were composed at different ages. Mastering the style of Mozart's works is crucial. Each of these works has a true and moving story behind it, just like the twenty-first violin sonata.


Mozart, Beethoven, opera symphony, classical period music


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