Pattern Design Art in Paper Packaging Innovation Analysis

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v5i2.2196

Zhenyi Xia

Central South University, Changsha 410006, Hunan, China


In the context of consumers' increasing aesthetic level, traditional packaging can no longer meet people's requirements. Because of the demand for personalization, innovation and emotional resonance, the art of pattern design has received high attention in packaging design. In order to meet the requirements of saving and environmental protection, paper packaging has become one of the commonly used packaging types, so the innovation of pattern design art in paper packaging has become the focus of the current discussion. This paper provides a comprehensive discussion and analysis of the relevant content, firstly, explains the paper packaging design, secondly, lists the pattern art in paper packaging design, and finally provides the innovation of pattern design art in paper packaging. It is hoped that the discussion of the relevant content can make the pattern design art in paper packaging to be effective innovation.


pattern, design art, paper packaging


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