Love Lasts Forever: An Exploration of Love Based on Works of Art

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v3i6.1105

Margaret Ma

New York University, New York, America


Love, as one of the most universal emotions, is also an important theme in artistic creation. Artistic creation derives from love, and the huge tension from emotion and creation produces heart touching works. Love links the boundary between art and life. People can find the traces of love in the works of art, so as to move from loneliness to the rebirth of love. It can be said that art works freshen human love emotion, so that love can exist in personal life or human history. Based on the discussion about love in art works, this paper will explain the relationship between love and art from several aspects: Love is the original driving force of art, art works are the depiction and record of love, art works are the vague of love, and art makes love not be forgotten.


works of art, love, relationship


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Copyright © 2022 Margaret Ma

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