Impact of Implementing New Technologies to Innovate and Transform Primary Care: The Technology Nurse

Journal: Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research DOI: 10.32629/ameir.v2i1.1821

Mariona Vilar Pont1, Mª. Cruz Salgado Rodríguez2, Núria Paradell Blanc1, Laura PInsach Bosch1

1. Institut Català De La Salut (ICS), Catalonia, Spain.
2. Technical Secretariat ICS-IAS, Catalonia, Spain.


Primary care currently serves the population by combining virtual care, face-to-face care, and innovative technologies. The technology nurse is the ideal professional to merge healthcare practice with technology in the healthcare environment. They help professionals and citizens to make effective use of these new tools. This nurse should be part of a multidisciplinary team comprising computer scientists, healthcare professionals, electro-medical technicians, information systems specialists, and professionals from the institution's technical department. Digital health is driving a change in ethical standards and professional codes of ethics. The impact of digitization in primary care can be seen through improved access, quality of care, efficiency, and the safety and sustainability of the system. We need more evidence on the positive impact of e-Consultation on preventive and health promotion activities undertaken in primary care.


digitalization; primary care; information and communication technology (ICT); digital health; nurse technologist; e-Consultation


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Copyright © 2024 Mariona Vilar Pont, Mª. Cruz Salgado Rodríguez, Núria Paradell Blanc, Laura PInsach Bosch

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