Photogrammetry: How to Create Low-cost, Realistic, and Easy to Operate 3D Models for Medical Teaching and Diagnosis
Journal: Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research DOI: 10.32629/ameir.v1i3.1292
Introduction: Photogrammetry in the field of science and technology is responsible for the acquisition, accumulation and transformation of information about the shape, movement and deformation of an object by means of a beam of light. It is currently adopted by doctors for the reproduction of anatomical structures, as well as planning of surgical procedures and as a diagnostic tool. Objective: To provide a simple and low-cost method that allows to create three-dimensional models of realistic characteristics without the need of specific conditions for their use and reproduction. In addition, they are implemented as a combination of learning and diagnostic tools. Method: For the creation of the three-dimensional model, it was necessary to submit it to a rendering process with the software PhotoScan, Regard3D and 3DF Zaphyr. This procedure took photographs of a real model and converted them into information points that were compiled to create a high-quality three-dimensional model; since these programs were created for the realization and survey of geographic maps, it allowed us to preserve the texture and reliefs of each structure, with realistic characteristics in each model. Results: The final result was a three-dimensional model that could be manipulated in 360°, and thanks to its plasticity, it could be edited in any editing programme. Conclusion: Photogrammetry is a simple and low-cost method for creating three-dimensional models of realistic features that do not require great specifications for their reproduction, making them very plastic in their use and handling.
photogrammetry; 3D models; biologic material; anatomic pieces; medical education
To the forensic technical staff of the Amphitheatre Department of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) for their support in the handling and conservation of the biological material.
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[3] Pradas-Silvestre J, Climent JM, Martínez-Assucena A, Gumbau-Climent D. Un nuevo sistema de topografía de superficie de la espalda: fotogrametría digital. Fundamento, procedimiento y aplicación clínica cualitativa. Rehabilitación;41(4):167-74. Disponible en: http://link 048712007755111
[4] Halina E - Chmielewska A, Chruściel-Nogal ska B, Bogumiła-Frączak E Photogrammetry and its potential application in medical science on the basis of selected literature. Disponible en:
[5] Líneas FY, Trabajo D, Silva JG. El material natural en la biología escolar. Consideraciones éticas y didáctica sobre las actividades prácticas de laboratorio. Rev Eureka sobre Enseñan za y Divulg las Ciencias [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2018 Mar 27];15(1). Disponible en:
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[7] Javier R, Esteban R, David J, Restrepo H. Anatomía Humana: ciencia, ética, desarrollo y educación. Rev Fac Med Rev [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2018 Mar 27];20(2):6-8. Disponible en:
[8] Bucco M. Aplicaciones de las impresoras 3D en medicina. [Internet]. San Andrés. Buenos Aires; 2016 [cited 2018 Dec 22]. Disponible en: T.M. Ges. Bucco%2C Mariano.pdf
[9] Cárdenas-Quiroga EA, Yolanda L, Martín M, Caycedo AU. Stereoscopy, methods and applications in multiple fields of knowledge. [cited 2017 Nov 30]; Disponible en:
[10] Su H, Qi CR, Li Y, Guibas LJ. Render for cnn: Viewpoint estimation in images using cnns trained with rendered 3d model views. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision; 2015;2686-2694.
[11] Azer SA, Azer S. 3D anatomy models and impact on learning: a review of the quality of the literature. Health Professions Education. 2016;2(2):80-98. Disponible en:
[12] Brazina D, Fojtik R, Rombova Z. 3D visualization in teaching anatomy. Procedia - Soc Behav Sci. 2014;143:367-371. Disponible en: http://lin
[13] Eisma R, Wilkinson T. From "Silent Teachers" to models. PLoS Biol. 2014;12(10):1-5.
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[15] Jacquesson T, Mertens P, Berhouma M, Jouan neau E, Simon E. The 360 photography: a new anatomical insight of the sphenoid bone. Interest for anatomy teaching and skull base surgery. Surg Radiol Anat. 2017;39(1):17-22.
[16] Kurt E, Yurdakul SE, Ataç A. An overview of the technologies used for anatomy education in terms of medical history. Procedia - Soc Behav Sci [Internet]. 2013;103:109-115. Disponible en: http://lin
[17] Cambrón A. Bioética y derecho: normar los cuerpos. 1997 [cited 2018 Mar 27]; Disponible en: /dspace/bit stream/handle/2183/1898/AD-1-9.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
[18] Zambrano Ferre A. Aspectos éticos del uso de la realidad virtual en la enseñanza de la anatomía humana. Antropología SY. Fermentum. Revista Venezolana. Disponible en:
[19] Batista G, Da Costa F, Gilliane I, Ferreira Da Costa B, Cabral C, Santos D, et al. The corpse in the teaching of human anatomy: a methodological and bioethics overview. Revista Brasileira De Educação Médica. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2018 Mar 27];36(3):369-373. Disponible en:
[20] Quijano Blanco Y, Marlly Yaneth Rojas Ortiz D. Impacto del uso de medios virtuales sobre el aprendizaje de la anatomia cardiaca en estudiantes de tercer semestre del prorama de medicina en la universidad de ciencias aplic adas y ambientales [Internet]. Universidad de ciencias aplicadas y ambientales; 2016. Disponible en: DEL USO DE MEDIOS VIRTUALES.pdf
[21] Forero Á, Sebastián J. Diseño de material didáctico para la enseñanza de anatomía. [cited 2018 Mar 27]; Disponible en: http://ocs.editori
Copyright © 2023 Alonso Saharahui de Jesús-Luis, Sergio Ordóñez-Velázquez, Diego Pineda-Martínez, Brian Brenes-Solano, Jessica González-Fernández

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