Resection of the Posterior Thigh Compartment and Modification of the Surgical Technique for Bulky Tumors

Journal: Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research DOI: 10.32629/ameir.v1i2.1225

Jairo Bascetta, Luis Alemán, Héctor Malavé, Gregorio Orta, José Gómez

Hospital Del Ivss Uyapar, Venezuela


Objective: We present a 59-year-old male patient with a 6-month evolution lesion characterized by an increase in volume in the posterior region of the right thigh with expansive growth, pain of moderate intensity and limitation of gait. Clinical case: Magnetic resonance of the thigh that reports: "focal alteration within the thickness of the posterior superficial muscular plane, biceps femoris muscle short and long head, visible focal oval lesion, measuring approximately 10.44 cm × 7.3 cm with heterogeneous intensity, shows trabeculae, detritus and high intensity content". Drainage and biopsy report: malignant mesenchymal tumor. Tumor vascularization and suspected involvement of superficial branches in the deep femoral artery. With the improvement of the Malawer Sugarbaker surgical technique, the posterior septal tumor of the thigh was removed through a supine anteroposterior approach, vascular control, and cross surgical management of pathological anatomy. Adequate oncological resection with surgical result, evolution and satisfactory recovery. Conclusion: For large tumors that may or have been confirmed to have vascular involvement, modifying the classic technique of posterior thigh resection is a feasible and provable alternative method from a practical perspective, as it can better control tumor lesions during surgery. For large volume posterior chamber sarcoma with vascular involvement, it is recommended to adopt multidisciplinary management and utilize existing tools to personalize each clinical case.


sarcomas resection; posterior compartment; technical modification


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Copyright © 2023 Jairo Bascetta, Luis Alemán, Héctor Malavé, Gregorio Orta, José Gómez

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