Anatomical alterations of the nasopalatine canal in dentate and edentulous patients at the front superior sector based on cone beam computed tomography
Journal: Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research DOI: 10.32629/ameir.v1i1.1151
Background: The nasopalatine canal (NPC) is a long and thin intraosseous passage, located in the anterior midline of the maxilla, connecting the palate with the floor of the nasal cavity. The objective of the study was to compare the measures of nasopalatine canal and its shape by cone beam tomography in dentate patients with respect to edentulous patients in the frontal anterior sector. Materials and methods: A descriptive and comparative study, 150 CT scans of anterosuperior dentate patients and 52 CT scans of anterosuperior edentulous patients were taken from the archive of the Imaging Department. Using the Excel program and its tool "random", 30 CT scans of dentate patients were selected as well as the 30 CT scans of edentulous. The anteroposterior distance of the upper third, middle third and lower third of the horizontal nasopalatine canal was measured on the oblique sagittal plane. To determine its height, the axial plane was taken from the level of the upper bifurcation to the palatal opening. The acquisition of images was done through the i-Dixel software of the 3D Accuitomo 170 MORITA, DICOM system. Results: The dentate patients present higher heights in relation to the edentulous patients. In transverse diameter, the size of NPC channel in edentulous patients is larger. The measurements at the lower, middle and upper levels in the cortices of the diameter of the NPC in dentate patients are lower in relation to the edentulous patients. Conclusion: Patients of 40 to 70 years old, male and female, with frontal anterior edentulism presented structural topographic variations that consist of greater width, smaller longitudinal dimension and larger transversal dimension being enlarged canals.
atrophy; edentulous; cone-beam computed tomography; maxilla; maxilla edentulous; partially
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[2] Gönül Y, Bucak A, Atalay Y, et al. MDCT evaluation of nasopalatine canal morphometry and variations: Analysis of 100 patients. Diagnóstic and Interventional Imaging. 2016; 97(11): 1165-1172.
[3] Cruz L, Palacios D, Miranda J, et al. Evaluación de la arteria alveolo-antral mediante tomografía volumétrica en población mexicana y su relación con levantamiento del piso del seno maxilar. Revista ADM. 2016; 73(6): 286-290.
[4] Liceaga CA, Banda RE, Castañeda O, et al. Quiste nasopalatino de tamaño inusual. Revisión bibliográfica y presentación de un caso. Revista ADM. 2013; 70(3): 154-158.
[5] Mardinger O, Namani-Sadan N, Chaushu G, et al. Morphologic changes of the nasopalatine canal related to dental implantation: a radiologic study in different degrees of absorbed maxillae. J Periodontol. 2008; 79(9): 1659-1662
[6] Riera MA, Plata WG. El canal nasopalatino: ¿una limitante para la colocación de implantes? Presentación de un caso. Rev Mex Periodontol. 2017; 8(1):16-21.
[7] Torres M, Valverde Ld, Vidal M, et al. Trifid nasopalatine canal: case report of a rare anatomical variation and its surgical implications. Rev Cubana Estomatol. 2016; 53(2): 1-3.
[8] Whaites E. Fundamentos de radiología dental. 4ta ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2008
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[10] Suomalainen AK, Salo A, Robinson S, et al. The 3DX multiimage micro-CT device in clinical dental practice. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2007; 36(2): 80–85.
[11] Araki K, Maki K, Seki K, et al. Characteristics of a newly developed dentomaxillofacial X-ray cone beam CT scanner (CB Mercu Raye): system configuration and physical properties. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2004; 33(1): 51- 59
[12] Catros S, De Gabory L, Stoll S, et al. Use of gutta percha cores in CT scan imaging for patent nasopalatine duct. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008; 37(11): 1065-1066.
[13] Bornstein M, Balsiger R, Sendi P, et al. Morphology of the nasopalatine canal and dental implant surgery: a radiographic analysis of 100 consecutive patients using limited cone-beam computer tomography. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011; 22(3): 295-301
[14] Raghoebar GM, den Hartog L, Vissink A. Augmentation in proximity to the incisive foramen to allow placement of endosseous implants: a case series. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010; 68: 2267-2271.
[15] Song WC, Jo DI, Lee JY, et al. Microanatomy of the incisive canal using three-dimensional reconstruction of microCT images: an ex vivo study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009; 108(4): 583-589.
[16] Jacob S, Zelano B, Gungor A, et al. Location and gross morphology of the nasopalatine duct in human adults. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000; 126(6): 741-748.
[17] Alonso A, Suárez J, Muinelo J, et al. Critical anatomic region of nasopalatine canal based on tridimensional analysis: cone beam computed tomography. Scientific Reports. 2015; 5: Article number 12568. doi:10.1038/srep12568
Copyright © 2023 Marcelo Enrique Cazar Almache, Luz Marina Abril Cordero, Diego Estaban PalaciosVivar, María Fernanda Abril Cordero, Cristina Belén Sibri Quizhpe
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