Research on Design Optimization of Building Water Supply and Drainage Supported by BIM Technology

Journal: Architecture Engineering and Science DOI: 10.32629/aes.v5i3.2558

Li Ye, Fangda Lin, Zhitian Kou

Infrastructure Department of Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China


This paper studies the application of BIM technology in the design of building water supply and drainage system, and puts forward the strategy of data acquisition and analysis, system simulation and evaluation and design optimization based on BIM. Through BIM technology, the building water supply and drainage system can realize data integration, visual management and control, and improve the design accuracy and construction efficiency. At the same time, BIM technology also supports the simulation and performance evaluation of water supply and drainage systems, helping to identify potential problems and optimize design solutions. In addition, this paper also discusses the development trend of BIM technology in building water supply and drainage design, and puts forward future research directions and key suggestions, emphasizing the important role of BIM technology in improving design quality and efficiency, reducing operating costs and promoting building sustainability.


BIM technology, building water supply and drainage design, design optimization strategy


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Copyright © 2024 Li Ye, Fangda Lin, Zhitian Kou

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