Research on Subgrade Treatment Technology for Highways in Expansive Soil Areas

Journal: Architecture Engineering and Science DOI: 10.32629/aes.v5i3.2555

Bing Liu

CSCEC Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050000, Hebei, China


Expansive soil is a type of soil with significant expansion and shrinkage characteristics, posing a major threat to the stability and durability of highway subgrades. This paper reviews the impact of expansive soil on highway subgrades, explores common subgrade issues, and introduces treatment technologies for subgrades in expansive soil areas. The study shows that reasonable pretreatment, reinforcement, and drainage techniques can effectively mitigate the damage caused by expansive soil to subgrades, enhancing the service life and safety of highways.


Expansive soil, highway, subgrade treatment technology, pretreatment, reinforcement, drainage


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