Exploring Stone Craft in Contemporary Interior Design: Innovative Applications and Techniques

Journal: Architecture Engineering and Science DOI: 10.32629/aes.v5i3.2413

Mohammad Arif Kamal1, Naveen Suresh Chomal2, Anshika Koundal2

1. Architecture Section, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
2. Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Jaipur, India


Stone has been a vital building and finishing material used in architectural and interior design for centuries, celebrated for its durability, natural beauty, aesthetic appeal, and versatility. From ancient monuments to modern interiors, stone symbolizes strength and permanence, maintaining its relevance and appeal through the ages. In contemporary interior design, stone offers an extensive palette for creating spaces that are both visually stunning and functionally enduring. Its tactile and visual qualities establish a profound connection to nature, enhancing the ambiance and aesthetic of interior spaces. Each type of stone, with its unique texture, colour, and pattern, brings distinct character and personality, making it a cherished material for infusing elegance and sophistication into design projects. In recent years, innovative applications and techniques have revolutionized stone usage in interior design. Designers now transcend traditional methods, exploring novel approaches and integrating advanced technologies. This exploration has unlocked new creative possibilities, enabling intricate designs and complex structures previously deemed unattainable. Furthermore, the sustainable aspects of stone have garnered significant attention. Local sourcing and the material's longevity align with the growing emphasis on sustainability in design practices. By innovatively incorporating stone, designers contribute to environmentally responsible building practices while achieving aesthetically pleasing results. This paper investigates the evolving role of stone in contemporary interior design, examining the latest trends, techniques, and applications. It seeks to uncover how designers harness the unique properties of stone to craft inspiring and functional spaces. The paper also aims to provide valuable insights into the potential of stone as a dynamic and versatile element in interior design, offering recommendations for architects, interior and product designers, and industry professionals for further exploration and innovation in the building design field.


stone, architecture, interior design, finishing material, construction


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Copyright © 2024 Mohammad Arif Kamal, Naveen Suresh Chomal, Anshika Koundal

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