Storm Water Management through Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning: Case of a University Campus in India
Journal: Architecture Engineering and Science DOI: 10.32629/aes.v4i3.1274
The outline of almost all urban contours are characterized by accelerated urbanization, depleted assets, population growth, ageing infrastructure, and degraded environments, which are made worse by rising climate uncertainty. The projections show that by 2040, approximately half of the world population will reside in areas with significant water stress. The immense pressure on land due to expansion of urbanized area has led to a significant increase in impervious/paved surfaces, reducing the rate of infiltration. In urban areas, however, this cycle is discontinuous in context to impermeable pavements, surface water do not get time to percolate instead they drain off to sewer. This misleading of storm water leads to flooding, and other water issues. The goal is to find techniques that can feasibly integrate the hydrological cycle with impactful water-sensitive spatial design considerations. This paper presents a detailed analysis of Women’s Polytechnic and Sarojini Naidu Hall at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India based on storm water management and water sensitive parameters that can be implemented in the whole campus by using both qualitative as well as quantitative research methods in relation with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
hydrological cycle, infiltration rate, storm water, urbanisation, water sensitive urban design, Aligarh, India
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[4]Brown, R. R., & Clarke, J. M. (2007). The transition towards Water Sensitive Urban Design: In A. ouverte HAL (Ed.), A socio-technical analysis of Melbourne, Australia (pp. 349–356). Sixth International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management.
[5]Burra S., Kannala V. & Menon S. (2021). Runoff Estimation by using Rational Method: A Review. International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences (IJANS), 10(1), 33–36.
[6]C.P.W.D. (2002). Rainwater Harvesting and Conservation Manual.
[7]Cahill Associates. (2006). Innovative Storm water Management Approaches and Practices. In Pennsylvania Storm water Management Best Practices Manual.
[8]CSE, Centre for Science and Environment. (2017). Water-Sensitive Urban Design And Planning - A Practitioner’s Guide.
[9]Divya, P. S. S. (2020). Water Management to Water Sensitive Planning-A contemporary approach for sustainable urban development.
[10] Falcon, K. (2021). Plants for Rain Gardens - Ken Matthews Garden Center.
[11] Fox, L. J. (2018). Storm water Management for Grass Swales. USA.
[12] Garg R., Kumar A., Pankaj & Kamal Arif M. (2023). Determining Water Footprint of Buildings During Construction Phase: An Activity-based Approach. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(2), 773 - 783.
[13]Gogate, N. G., Kalbar, P. P., & Raval, P. M. (2017). Assessment of storm water management options in urban contexts using Multiple Attribute Decision-Making. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142(November), 2046–2059.
[14] Goulden, S., Portman, M. E., Carmon, N., & Alon-Mozes, T. (2018). From conventional drainage to sustainable storm water management: Beyond the technical challenges. Journal of Environmental Management, 219, 37–45.
[15] Grass Amphitheatre Design, (2017).
[16] Grass Paver – Aiyyer Environment Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. (2022). Retrieved August 8, 2022, from
[17] Grassed Swales. (n.d.). Lake Superior Duluth Streams. Retrieved March 5, 2022, from water/toolkit/swales.html
[18] Griha. (2020). IIM Kozhikode Campus. Retrieved January 15, 2022, from
[19] Hoyer, J., Dickhaut, W., Kronawitter, L., & Weber, B. (2011). Water sensitive urban design : principles and inspiration for sustainable storm water management in the city of the future [Jovis].
[20] Infiltration Trenches. (2018). Retrieved April 5, 2022, from
[21] Kamal Arif M., Kumar A., Najamuddin N., (2016). Examining the Need and Necessity of Water Harvesting in Greater Noida, India: A Sustainable Approach, American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 4(6), 2016-2020.
[22]Legends. (2022). Interlock and Pavers. Retrieved July 18, 2022, from
[23] Lloyd, S. D., Wong, T. H. ., & Chesterfield, C. J. (2002). Water Sensitive Urban Design - A Storm water Management Perspective. water_Management_Perspective
[24] Marchioni, M., & Becciu, G. (2015). Experimental results on permeable pavements in urban areas: A synthetic review. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 10(6), 806–817.
[25] Mishra, U. S., & Padhi, B. (2021). Sustaining the sustainable development goals. Economic and Poltrical Weekly, 56(34), 30–31.
[26] NBC. (2016). National Building Code of India, 2016, Vol. 2, 97.
[27] Pusalkar, V., Swamy, V., & Shivapur, A. (2020). Future city-challenges and opportunities for water-sensitive sustainable cities, in India. E3S Web of Conferences, 170.
[28] Rain gardens. (n.d.). Groundwater Foundation. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from
[29] Shah, S., Venkatramanan, V., & Prasad, R. (2019). Sustainable green technologies for environmental management. Sustainable Green Technologies for Environmental Management, November 2020, 146–153.
[30] Stauffer, B. (2018). Storm water Management. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from water-management
[31] Stiffler, L. (2013). Redmond’s Rain Garden Challenge - Sightline Institute.
[32] Storm water Management - Filter Strips. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2022, from water/toolkit/filterstrips.html
[33] SUDS Swale, (2020). Infiltration trenches « SuDS.
[34] United Nations. (2021). UN World Water Development Report 2021.
[35] Victorian, S. C. (1999) No Title. In Urban storm water: Best practice environmental management guidelines. VIC: CSIRO Publising.
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