Experimental and Analytical Study on the Force-carrying Process of the Sand-collecting Shovel
Journal: Architecture Engineering and Science DOI: 10.32629/aes.v3i4.1082
The sand-collecting shovel is an important part of the track sand removing vehicle. In order to analyze the force changes during the sand collecting process, and get an optimization method of its structure, the paper took the method of the combination of experiment and numerical simulation. The sand test bench was designed and built to simulate the sand-collecting working process. Because the torque reflected the force of the shovel during the sand-collecting working process, the torque received by the sand collecting shovel was measured. Using the method of coupling discrete element and multi-body dynamics method, the force of the straight blade, 15 degree the 30 degree blade under the same working conditions were simulated and analyzed in the X, Y and Z directions. The experimental result was similar to the simulation results, which proved the feasibility of the coupling method of discrete element and multi-body dynamics to research the interaction mechanism between the sand and shovel. Then, the force of shovels working in the depth of 50mm and 70mm were simulated and the values were compared. It can be seen that changing the edge angle caused a different force regular changing of the blade in three directions, but the total force of the sand collection was reduced. The research results provided a theoretical basis for the structural optimization of the sand shovel and have an important guiding significance for relevant mechanical design.
sand shovel, sand, discrete element method, three-dimensional forces, force analysis, torque
Hebei Provincial Natural Science Foundation. No.E2017210166 and Postgraduate Teaching Reform and Innovation Fund No. YC2018061
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[12]Camborde, F., Mariotti, C. & Donzé, F. V.(2000) "Numerical study of rock and concrete behaviour by discrete element modelling", Computers & Geotechnics, 27(4), pp. 225-247.
[13]Hasanpour, R., Ozcelik, Y., Yilmazkaya, E. & Sohrabian, B.(2016) "DEM modeling of a monowire cutting system", Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9(20), pp. 739.
[14]Sakai, M., Abe, M., Shigeto, Y., Mizutani, S., Takahashi, H., Viré, A., Percival, J. R., Xiang, J. & Pain, C. C. (2014) "Verification and validation of a coarse grain model of the DEM in a bubbling fluidized bed", CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 244(10), pp. 33-43.
[15]Ucgul, M., Fielke, J. M. & Saunders, C. (2014) "Three-dimensional discrete element modelling of tillage: Determination of a suitable contact model and parameters for a cohesionless soil", BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, 121, pp. 105-17.
[16] Wang, X., Yang, S., Li, W. & Wang, Y. (2018) "Vibratory finishing co-simulation based on ADAMS-EDEM with experimental validation", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 96 pp. 1175-1185.
[17]Tang, T., Hou, X., Xiao, L., Pan, C. & Xue, P.(2017) "The study of kinematics simulation of space truss assembly robot on orbit based on EDEM and ADAMS", International Conference on Advanced Robotics & Mechatronics(ICARM).IEEE, 2017.
[18]Dexter, A. R. & Tanner, D. W.(1972) "Soil deformations induced by a moving cutting blade, an expanding tube and a penetrating sphere", Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 17(4), pp. 371-375.
[19]Asl, J. H. & Singh, S.(2009) "Optimization and evaluation of rotary tiller blades: Computer solution of mathematical relations", Soil and Tillage Research, 106(1), pp. 1-7.
[20]Wu, J. & Perry, G. M. (2004) "Estimating Farm Equipment Depreciation: Which Functional Form Is Best", AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 86(2), pp. 483-491.
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