On Ferroelectric Phenomenon in Free-standing Poly (Dibenzo-crown Ether) Films
Journal: Architecture Engineering and Science DOI: 10.32629/aes.v3i1.673
Conjugated polymers generally do not possess the ferroelectricity due to charge delocalization in various degree. We discover the distinct ferroelectric phenomenon (from 0.1 to 2.16 μC cm-2) in freestanding films of three kinds of poly (dibenzo-crown ether) (PDBC, dibenzo-14-crown-4, dibenzo-15-crown-5 and dibenzo-18-crown-6) which are prepared by electrochemical polymerization in BFEE. Ferroelectricity in PDBC freestanding films appears on account of spontaneous polarization resulted from hydrogen bonds, generated due to the intermolecular association between carbons on the benzene rings and ether bonds. As the number of ether bonds increases, the ferroelectric phenomenon of PDBC is more remarkable, which is coincident with the enhancing hydrogen bonding effect. Meanwhile, such effect is inexistent in polyphenyl.
ferroelectricity, dibenzo-crown ether, hydrogen bond
Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University (KY2010ZY13)
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