Journal: Ecological Environment and Protection DOI: 10.12238/eep.v7i8.2225
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[2] 秦富,李娟,吴良萍,等.氯霉素高效降解菌分离鉴定及其特性研究[J].中国口岸科学技术,2024,6(07):80-8.
[3] LI E,LIAO L,LV G,etal.The Interactions Between Three Typical PPCPs and LDH[J].Frontiers in Chemistry,2018,6.
[4] YANG J,JI G,GAO Y,etal.High-yield and high-performan ce porous biochar produced from pyrolysis of peanut shell with low-dose ammonium polyphosphate for chloramphenicol adsorption[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,264(121516.
[5] 穆雨彤,曹浩然,朱博文,等.ICPB技术及其去除废水中多环芳烃的研究进展[J].工业水处理,2023,43(10):9-15+62.
[6] GHAUCH A,BAALBAKI A,AMASHA M,etal.Contribution of persulfate in UV-254nm activated systems for complete degr adation of chloramphenicol antibiotic in water[J].Chemical Engineering Journal,2017, 317(1012-25.
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[8] GIRI A S, GOLDER A K. Chloramphenicol Degradation in Fenton and Photo-Fenton: Formation of Fe2+-Chloramphenic ol Chelate and Reaction Pathways[J].Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014,53(42):16196-203.
[9] AMILDON RICARDO I,PANIAGUA C E S,PAIVA V A B,etal.Degra dation and initial mechanism pathway of chloramphenicol by photo-Fenton process at circumneutral pH[J].Chemical Engine ering Journal,2018,339(531-8.
[10] 郭晨蕾.一株氯霉素降解细菌的分离鉴定及其降解特性研究[D].黑龙江:哈尔滨工业大学,2021.
[11] MA X, QI M, LI Z,etal.Characterization of an efficient chloramphenicol-mineralizing bacterial consortium[J].Chemo sphere,2019,222(149-55.
[12] AMEN T W M,ELJAMAL O, KHALIL A M E, et al. Biochemical methane potential enhancement of domestic sludge digestion by adding pristine iron nanoparticles and iron nanoparticles coated zeolite compositions[J].Journal of Environmental Chem ical Engineering,2017,5(5):5002-13.
[13] ZHANG Q, ZHANG Y, LI D. Cometabolic degradation of chloramphenicol via a meta-cleavage pathway in a microbial fuel cell and its microbial community[J].Bioresource Technol ogy,2017,229(104-10.
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