Journal: Basic Medical Theory Research DOI: 10.12238/bmtr.v6i6.10998
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[8] Park BK, Seo JH, Jeon HH, Choi JW, Won SY, Cho YS, Lee CK, Park H, Kim DW. A nationwide population-based study of common bile duct stone recurrence after endoscopic stone removal in Korea. J Gastroenterol.2018;53:670–678.
[9] Deng F, Zhou M, Liu PP, Hong JB, Li GH, Zhou XJ, Chen YX. Causes associated with recurrent choledocholithiasis following therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancre atography: A large sample sized retrospective study. World J Clin Cases.2019May6;7(9):1028-1037.
[10] Wang X, Wang X, Sun H, Ren G, Wang B, Liang S, Zhang L, Kang X, Tao Q, Guo X, Luo H, Pan Y. Endoscopic Papillary Large Balloon Dilation Reduces Further Recurrence in Patients With Recurrent Common Bile Duct Stones: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Am J Gastroenterol.2022 May 1;117(5):740-747.
[11] Lin Y,Yang M, Cao J, Zhang X, Mi N, Yang X, Wang H, Gao L, Bai M,Fu W,Li X,Yue P,Yuan J, Meng W,Leung JW. Saline irrigation for reducing the recurrence of common bile duct stones after lithotripsy: a randomized controlled trial. EClinicalMed icine.2023 Apr 27;59:101978.
[12] 唐涛,李伟平.鼻胆管冲洗对ERCP术后胆总管结石复发的影响[J].中国现代医生,2013,51(6):146-148.
[13] 李积强,齐清会,张桂信.清热利胆颗粒预防腹腔镜联合胆道镜术后胆总管结石复发的效果分析 [J].临床肝胆病杂志,2023,39(10):2413-2420.
[14] 施颖琦,沈美琴,仇建伟.胆宁片等3种药物预防ERCP术后胆总管结石复发的效果比较[J].中国药房,2023,34(15):1874-1878.
[15] 周璧芸,王丹丹,付鹏飞,等.熊去氧胆酸预防ERCP取石后胆总管结石 复发疗效的Meta分析[J].现代消化及介入诊疗,2023,28(07):882-887.
[16] Kozyk M,Giri S,Harindranath S,Trivedi M, Strubchevska K, Barik RK, Sundaram S. Recurrence of common bile duct stones after endoscopic clearance and its predictors: A systematic review.DEN Open.2023 Oct 8;4(1):e294.
[17] Manes G,Paspatis G,Aabakken L,.Endoscopic manageme nt of common bile duct stones: European Society of Gastrointe stinal Endoscopy(ESGE)guideline.Endoscopy.2019 May;51(5):472-491.
[18] Lin YY, Wang YD, Yue P, Zhang XZ, Leung JW, Jiao PP, Yang M, Wang HP, Bai B, Liu Y, Zhang JD, Chen HB, Meng WB, Li X. Could saline irrigation clear all residual common bile duct stones after lithotripsy? A self-controlled prospective cohort study. World J Gastroenterol.2021Jan28;27(4):358-370.
[2] 林延延.盐水冲洗预防ERCP术后胆总管结石复发的临床研究及胆道微环境在复发性胆总管结石成石过程中的作用探索[D].兰州大学,2023.
[3] KimDI,KimMH,Lee SK,et al.Risk factors for recurrence of primary bile duct stones after endoscopic biliary sphinct erotomy[J].Gastrointest Endosc,2001,54(1):42-48.
[4] Kim KY,Han J,Kim HG,et al.Late complications and stone recurrence rates after bile duct stone removal by endoscopic sphincterotomy and large balloon dilation are similar to those after endoscopic sphincterotomy alone[J].Clin Endosc,2013, 46(6):637-642.
[5] Lujian P,Xianneng C,Lei Z.Risk factors of stone recurre nce after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for common bile duct stones[J].BMC Med,2020,99(27):e20412.
[6] Wu Y,Zhang Y,Jiang XM,et al.Risk factors for single and multiple recurrences for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan creatography and open choledochotomy in treating choledoc holithiasis[J].Gastroenterol Res Pract,2023,2023:4738985.
[7] Deng F,Zhou M,Liu PP,et al.Causes associated with recur rent choledocholithiasis following therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: A large sample sized retrospective study[J].World J Clin Cases,2019,7(9):1028-1037.
[8] Park BK, Seo JH, Jeon HH, Choi JW, Won SY, Cho YS, Lee CK, Park H, Kim DW. A nationwide population-based study of common bile duct stone recurrence after endoscopic stone removal in Korea. J Gastroenterol.2018;53:670–678.
[9] Deng F, Zhou M, Liu PP, Hong JB, Li GH, Zhou XJ, Chen YX. Causes associated with recurrent choledocholithiasis following therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancre atography: A large sample sized retrospective study. World J Clin Cases.2019May6;7(9):1028-1037.
[10] Wang X, Wang X, Sun H, Ren G, Wang B, Liang S, Zhang L, Kang X, Tao Q, Guo X, Luo H, Pan Y. Endoscopic Papillary Large Balloon Dilation Reduces Further Recurrence in Patients With Recurrent Common Bile Duct Stones: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Am J Gastroenterol.2022 May 1;117(5):740-747.
[11] Lin Y,Yang M, Cao J, Zhang X, Mi N, Yang X, Wang H, Gao L, Bai M,Fu W,Li X,Yue P,Yuan J, Meng W,Leung JW. Saline irrigation for reducing the recurrence of common bile duct stones after lithotripsy: a randomized controlled trial. EClinicalMed icine.2023 Apr 27;59:101978.
[12] 唐涛,李伟平.鼻胆管冲洗对ERCP术后胆总管结石复发的影响[J].中国现代医生,2013,51(6):146-148.
[13] 李积强,齐清会,张桂信.清热利胆颗粒预防腹腔镜联合胆道镜术后胆总管结石复发的效果分析 [J].临床肝胆病杂志,2023,39(10):2413-2420.
[14] 施颖琦,沈美琴,仇建伟.胆宁片等3种药物预防ERCP术后胆总管结石复发的效果比较[J].中国药房,2023,34(15):1874-1878.
[15] 周璧芸,王丹丹,付鹏飞,等.熊去氧胆酸预防ERCP取石后胆总管结石 复发疗效的Meta分析[J].现代消化及介入诊疗,2023,28(07):882-887.
[16] Kozyk M,Giri S,Harindranath S,Trivedi M, Strubchevska K, Barik RK, Sundaram S. Recurrence of common bile duct stones after endoscopic clearance and its predictors: A systematic review.DEN Open.2023 Oct 8;4(1):e294.
[17] Manes G,Paspatis G,Aabakken L,.Endoscopic manageme nt of common bile duct stones: European Society of Gastrointe stinal Endoscopy(ESGE)guideline.Endoscopy.2019 May;51(5):472-491.
[18] Lin YY, Wang YD, Yue P, Zhang XZ, Leung JW, Jiao PP, Yang M, Wang HP, Bai B, Liu Y, Zhang JD, Chen HB, Meng WB, Li X. Could saline irrigation clear all residual common bile duct stones after lithotripsy? A self-controlled prospective cohort study. World J Gastroenterol.2021Jan28;27(4):358-370.
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