Journal: Basic Medical Theory Research DOI: 10.12238/bmtr.v4i5.5643
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[2] 芦婷婷,曹瑞华,曹丰.远程医疗在家庭医学健康保健中的应用发展[J].中华保健医学杂志,2021,23(5):545-547.
[3] Katie Dvorak. Use of wearables at outpatient clinics [OL].FierceMobileHealthcare.(2014-12-22)[2015-11-06].http://www.fiercemobilehealthcare.com/special-reports/use
[4] wearables-outpatient-clinics.
[5] Katie Dvorak. Physician u s e of wearables[OL].FierceM obileHealthcare. (2014-12-22) [2015-11-08].http:/www.fier cemobilehealthcare.com/special-reports/physician-use-wearables.
[6] Maged N. Kamel Boulos, Ann C. Brewer, Chante Karimk hani, et al. Mobile medical and health apps: state of the art, concerns, regulatory control and certification[OL]. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. 2014 5(3): e229. http: //ojphi.org.
[7] Laura Shin. When our wearables talk with our doctors [OL], ZDNET. (2014-08-29) [2015-11-16]. http://www.zdnet.com/article/when-our-wearables-talk-with-our-doctors/.
[8] 谌贵辉,张万里,彭斌,等.MEMS微致动器的研究[J].微纳电子技术,2004,41(9):32-36.
[9] 薛小红.微电子机械系统及其加工工艺简述[J].技术与市场,2011,18(5):120.
[10] 张杰,张鞠成,王立坚,等.MEMS传感器在医疗器械中的应用[J].中国医院建筑与装备,2022,(23):81-87.
[11] 刘欢.传感器技术在可穿戴设备中的应用[J].无线互联科技,2017,(10):133-134.
[12] 许潇莹,艾双春.可穿戴设备在康复领域的应用现状及前景展望[J].世界最新医学信息文摘,2018,18(5):27-28.
[13] 栾加双,张卓,刘哓东.形形色色的智能服装[J].中国个体防护装备,2003,(4):26-27.
[14] TANG Z,JIA S,SHI S,et al.Coaxial carbon nanotube/p olymer fibers as wearable piezoresistive sensors[J].Sensors & Actuators A:Physical,2018,284:85-95.
[15] Mitchell B L, Lock M J, Davison K, et al. What is the effect of aerobic exercise intensity on cardiorespiratory fitness in those undergoing cardiac rehabilitation? A system atic review with meta-analysis[J].Br J Sports Med, 2019, 53(21):1341-1351.
[16] Fletcher G F ,Ades P A ,Kligfield P, et al. Exercise standards for testing and training: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association [J]. Circulation, 2013,128(8):874-934.
[17] 尤炎丽,赵杰刚,张弓,等.基于可穿戴设备监测的经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术后患者心脏康复运动指导模式的效果评价[J].中国康复医学杂志,2020,35(4):453-458.
[18] 余滨宾,郑瑜,温华聪,等.可穿戴式设备uCare与动态心电图检测的临床对比研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,32(1):39-43.
[19] Lee H, Chung H, Ko H, et al. Dedicated cardiac rehabilitation wearable sensor and its clinical potential[J]. PLoS One,2017,12(10):e0187108.
[20] 于天卓,高瑞桐,许林琪,等.可穿戴设备用于家庭心脏康复运动的研究进展[J].护理学杂志,2022,37(2):18-20.
[21] 李勤节.物联网下医学可穿戴设备的前景分析[J].现代工商业,2021,(7):155-157.
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