Journal: Advances in Computer and Autonomous Intelligence Research DOI: 10.12238/acair.v2i4.10292
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[2] Fletcher GF,Ades PA,Kligfield P,etal.Exercise standar ds for testing and training: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association[J]. Circulation. 2013;128(8):873 -934.
[3] Esteva A, Robicquet A,Ramsundar B,etal.A guide to deep learning in healthcare. Nature Medicine[J].2019;25(1):24-29.
[4] Benjamin EJ,Virani SS, Callaway CW, et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2019Update:A Report From the Ameri can Heart Association. Circulation[J].2019;139(10).
[5] Fletcher GF,Ades PA,Kligfield P,etal.Exercise standar ds for testing and training: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association[J].Circulation.2013;128(8):873-934.
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[7] Song X, Baghoolizadeh M, Alizadeh A, et al. Utilizing machine learning algorithms for prediction of the rheological behavior of ZnO (50%)-MWCNTs (50%)/Ethylene glycol (20%)- water (80%) nano-refrigerant[J].International Communicati ons in Heat and Mass Transfer,2024,156:107634.
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