Thoughts on Digital Enabling College English Teaching and Teachers’ Lifelong Growth in Higher Vocational Colleges

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i10.2698

Gaowa Alan

Inner Mongolia Electronic Information Vocational Technical College


Education digitization is an important breakthrough for China to open up a new track of education development and shape new advantages of education development. This profoundly reveals the key role of education digitization, and points out the direction and path for us to grasp the opportunities for the in-depth development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and to build a strong education country. Based on the state 's next deployment of college English teaching in vocational education, this paper discusses the role of digital education, and explores the reform path of college foreign language teaching under the new requirements and how foreign language teachers should teach for the future.


digital education, higher vocational college, college English


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