Changes in vegetation structure and hydrological function in response to rangeland rest

Journal: Region - Water Conservancy DOI: 10.32629/rwc.v6i1.1170

Raúl E Tácuna, Lucrecia  Aguirre, Enrique R Flores

National Agrarian University La Molina


An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of grazing rest on the vegetation structure, the hydrological function, and the ecological status in grasslands of regular condition for cattle. The study area is located at 4,095 meters above sea level, in the Cordillera Blanca peasant community, Ancash Region, Peru. The experimental design was factorial 2 x 2 in blocks, where the factors were: a) two grazing systems P1: uncontrolled grazing on communal usufruct lands and P2: rest or total exclusion of grazing, and b) three years of monitoring from 2011 to 2013. At the end of the study, the vegetation structure changed according to the regime of the rangeland use, where rest favored the increase of local gramineae species, but unfavorable for herbs, pseudogramineae, and shrubs. Resting increased the vegetation cover, the accumulation of biomass and mulch on the ground with respect to grazing (P < 0.01). The hydrological function improved with the application of rest compared to grazing, which was reflected in a higher infiltration capacity and soil moisture content (P < 0.01). The ecological processes improved with resting compared to grazing expressed by the increase of the ecological status of the pasture, in response to the improvement of the components that determine its value, such as forage species and vigor (P < 0.01).


rest; continuous grazing; native plants; hydrologic function; ecological status


This study was funded by the MC Knight Foundation in collaboration with the Mountain Institute and ANCASH. The author appreciates the valuable comments and suggestions provided by the doctoral team on the manuscript.


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