Analysis of Chinese Teaching Strategies in Primary Schools in the New Era

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v4i1.681

Shuye Chen

Zhejiang Normal University


In the Chinese teaching activities of primary schools in the new era, primary school students not only need to learn basic Chinese knowledge and skills, but also need to have Chinese thinking ability under the perception of Chinese excellent traditional culture and basic literacy, etc. Therefore, in the new era Chinese teaching, teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality, the cultivation of students' subjectivity and the accumulation of students' basic Chinese knowledge. In addition, the current era is an era of information technology and globalization. It is also a new era of China's development. Thus, in primary school Chinese teaching, teachers should also need to combine the teaching content with the development direction of the times, comprehensively use all kinds of information-based teaching means, build a smart classroom for students, and constantly enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of students in Chinese learning, so as to improve the quality of Chinese teaching.


primary school Chinese; teaching strategy; new era; education


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