Teaching Strategies of Senior High School English Writing Based on Promoting Writing with Reading

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v3i5.1016

Wanqing Liu

Hefei Thomas School, Hefei 230001, Anhui, China


With the continuous advancement of the new curriculum standard reform of senior high school English, English teaching based on the core quality of English teaching has become one of the important goals of senior high school English teaching. Based on the current situation and practice of senior high school English writing teaching, this paper analyzes a series of problems existing in senior high school English teaching and their causes, and holds that the teaching method of reading and writing is an effective means to improve the English writing ability of senior high school students. One can read and write with the help of combination of expansion of high school students in the English language knowledge, which can cultivates English thinking ability. Through the reading of English discourse structure or paragraph mode, it can effectively improve students in English sentence structure and word collocation organization ability and writing ability.


promoting writing with reading, teaching strategy, effectiveness, teaching practice


2022 Anhui Provincial Education Science Research Project "Research on the Development of High School English OMO Reading Course Resources Based on AI Technology" (Project No.: JK22058)


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