Role Change of Postgraduates in China's Education System

Journal: Journal of Higher Education Research DOI: 10.32629/jher.v2i3.355

Chaoyang Lu, Zhiping Zhang, Danping Jiang, Yanyan Jing, Yameng Li, Quanguo Zhang

Henan Agricultural University


With the rapid development of Chinese higher education, postgraduate education has gradually gained public attention. As senior professional and technical talents, postgraduates are the main force of the country's cutting edge technological development. Compared to undergraduates, the study objectives of postgraduates have changed considerably, it is thus important that the learning method should also change correspondingly. Higher postgraduate education should therefore guide postgraduates to change their roles successfully. This study elaborates on why and how postgraduates can change their role, what postgraduates should do, future opportunities, and so on. The result of the study has great significance for the changing role of postgraduates in China's educational system.


China’s education system, postgraduates, role change


China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M681069), Key scientific research projects of university in Henan Province (21A416006), Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program of Henan Province (S202010466033)


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Copyright © 2021 Chaoyang Lu, Zhiping Zhang, Danping Jiang, Yanyan Jing, Yameng Li, Quanguo Zhang

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