Positive Psychology Based on Cognitive and Behavioural Intervention among Adolescents with Learning Difficulties: Current and Future Application

Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine Research DOI: 10.32629/jcmr.v3i3.960

Xiaohan Chen, Tongxian Chen

Taizhou Second People's Hospital, Taizhou 317200, Zhejiang, China


As a group with "special needs," adolescent students with learning difficulties have been the subject of much social and societal attention because of the difficulties they face in both their academic and socialization processes. If these students do not receive appropriate education, the progress of society will be greatly reduced, which highlights the important practical value and significance of studying learning difficulties. Moreover, adolescents with learning difficulties commonly suffer from low academic achievement as well as low self-efficacy, which will affect their well-being in life. Both pedagogy and positive psychology have many different interventions to achieve increased student well-being or academic achievement. However, positive thinking interventions for adolescents with learning difficulties are still being explored. Therefore, this thesis will stand in the perspective of positive psychology combined with cognitive therapy to explore the common dilemmas currently faced by adolescents with learning difficulties, as well as effective measures for improvement and the dimensions of measurement needed and to provide an outlook on future related research.


positive psychology, cognitive and behavioural intervention, learning disabilities students, adolescent


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