Preliminary Exploration of Hanson’s Idea of “Theory-laden Observation”

Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine Research DOI: 10.32629/jcmr.v2i2.349

Anqi Zhu

Zhixin High School, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong, China


According to the traditional view, observation is neutral, unrestricted by theory, and theory depends on observation. However, Hanson's theory-laden observation, his Thematic Framework model, points out that observation depends on theory, that theory infiltrates observation, that theory determines the purpose and object of observation, and that observation must be guided by correct theory. Observation, as Hanson sees it, is a process of brain activity: it is not only the reception of information, but also the action of understanding and categorizing that information. Therefore, observation is naturally related to the observer's background, life experience and psychological set. Different observers may draw different conclusions about the same process by nature of the differences in their life experience.


observation, infiltration, theory, thematic, framework


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