Research on the Conception of Auditory Creation of Film and Television Directors

Journal: Arts Studies and Criticism DOI: 10.32629/asc.v3i5.1066

Xinyan Hou

School of Theater, Film and Television, Communication University of China, Beijing 100024, China


In the process of film and television director's creation, a very important work is audio-visual conversion, but there are few relevant materials about the director's auditory creation idea. For novice film and television directors, auditory design is abstract at the beginning, and they cannot grasp what is the key point. Film and television director is the core character in film and television creation,who is also the responsible person in film and television work quality control. The quality of a work of art is closely related to the script. From the aspect of film and television creation, the level of audio-visual creation, the skill of visual creation and the ability of director artistic creation are closely and directly related. Under normal circumstances, the director will do two things strictly during the creation of film and television works. First, the film and television structure should be reasonably planned. Second, the hierarchical composition of film and television creation elements should be strictly controlled. The process of film and television creation means to choose the structure of film and television works, and strive to be real in the process of selection, from a small shot to the whole film, so as to form an organic whole. When selecting materials, film and television directors also need to make special treatment on the basis of film and television creation effects, and make use of different elements to form different film and television levels and film and television structures, so as to provide conditions for achieving the expected artistic effects.


film and television director, auditory creation, conception skills, visual creation


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