Analysis of the Guide to Excellence in the Conduct of Clinical Trials in Hospital Pharmacy

Journal: Advances in Medicine and Engineering Interdisciplinary Research DOI: 10.32629/ameir.v1i4.1641

Pilar Suñé-Martín1, José Manuel Carretero-Abascal2, Cristina González-Pérez3

1. Pharmacy Service, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain.
2. Pharmacy Service, Virgen Macarena University Hospital, Seville, Spain.
3. Pharmacy Service, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, IdISSC, Madrid, Spain.


The document "Guide to Excellence in the Conduct of Clinical Trials in Hospital Pharmacy" was drawn up by hospital pharmacists and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry. Its objective is "to unite criteria, introduce improvements in communication, harmonize and digitalize processes" in all phases of development of a clinical trial in hospital pharmacy services. This special article presents the reflections of the Working Group of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy on this document. The analysis is based on its participation in the drawing of the Guide of Excellence, and includes its most relevant aspects, including those which, despite being discussed during the process of preparing the document, were finally not included, for reasons of synthesis or for further analysis and agreement. While recognizing the undoubted value of a so far unprecedented first document of consensus, the Clinical Trials Working Group also highlights the future challenges that both hospital pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies have ahead in order to improve the quality of the management of clinical trials. The Clinical Trials Working Group believes that the existence of communication routes both with the pharmaceutical industry and other agents involved in the conducting of clinical trials, as well as the improved visibility of the hospital pharmacist as an expert in the management of investigational medicines, will help achieve a better management of clinical trials in our environment and the allocation of the necessary human and material resources to reach excellence.


clinical trials; investigational drugs; practice guideline; hospital pharmacy; pharmaceutical industry


The authors would like to thank Ana Herranz Alonso (Hospitals Chapter of the Spanish Pharmaceutical Council), Amelia Martín Uranga and Emili Esteve (Farmaindustria) and the pharmaceutical industry and hospital pharmacy representatives.


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Copyright © 2024 Pilar Suñé-Martín, José Manuel Carretero-Abascal, Cristina González-Pérez

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