Research on Mental Health Education Based on Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing

Journal: Advanced Journal of Nursing DOI: 10.32629/ajn.v2i4.792

Jing Lyu

Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Wuhan 430064, Hubei, China


To assess and holistically manage mental health sequelae and potential psychiatric comorbidities associated with obstetric and gynecological disorders, optimizing patient care, ensuring efficient use of limited resources, and improving health economic models are critical. Untreated mental health disorders are associated with severe obstetric and psychiatric sequelae and have long-term effects on neonatal and child outcomes. The purpose of this review is to describe the urgent need for mental health education among obstetricians and to present our vision for a set of concise, evidence-based, accessible digital educational materials designed to convey the core concepts of mental health in obstetric care.


obstetric care, mental health, digital education, obstetrician, gynecologist


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